PHIL ARAUJO - The Product Heroes

Boost Your Productivity & Explore My New Website - Launching My True Productivity System

Boost Your Productivity & Explore My New Website - Launching My True Productivity System

Jul 22, 2023

Hello there,

I've been working on a couple of exciting projects, and today, I'm thrilled to bring them to you.

Introducing the True Productivity System

Are you ready to redefine what productivity means for you?

Productivity is a mindset. The weekend is an excellent time to rethink the way you work and start making moves for the week to come.

I am unveiling my "True Productivity System" - a streamlined approach to managing your work and life.

Here, being productive is not about busyness; it's about being effectively efficient and meaningfully productive.

I prepared a document containing all the necessary information to implement the system. The file contains a presentation and templates for you to use.

You can download it for free on my website.

Here is what you will find in the system:

  • The True Productivity System

  • The Heart of the System

  • Knowledge Structure

  • Setting Up The System

  • Use Cases & Learnings

  • What's next?

  • Templates

Get ready to kickstart your journey towards true productivity.

You can access the detailed presentation on my here for Free for a comprehensive understanding and implementation guide.

Announcing the Launch of My Revamped Website

In addition to the True Productivity System, I'm ecstatic to share with you the launch of my new website!

The goal?

To make your experience even better.

I wanted a place to share all my blog posts, notes, announcements and videos under one roof.

You can imagine it as a place where you can find what I am working on and the different projects incoming.

Stay tuned as I will soon reveal the first episode of the Reverse Podcast.

I am incredibly excited about these projects and can't wait for you to explore them.

Your thoughts matter to me!

I would love your feedback on the productivity system and the new website.

Until then, thank you for your continued support and stay tuned for more updates.

Happy levelling up,



Empower Product Creators into Digital Leaders.
One Skill at a Time.

I boost your digital creation skills and amplify your product management impact with proven techniques.

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© 2023 Phil Araujo


Empower Product Creators into Digital Leaders.
One Skill at a Time.

I boost your digital creation skills and amplify your product management impact with proven techniques.

Gain A New Perspective on Leadership and Digital Product Creation

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© 2023 Phil Araujo


Empower Product Creators into Digital Leaders.
One Skill at a Time.

I boost your digital creation skills and amplify your product management impact with proven techniques.

Gain A New Perspective on Leadership and Digital Product Creation

Joined 686 subscribers receiving

© 2023 Phil Araujo